DigiTech Library

Web Design & Development

Having a business and not having a website for the same in the present digital scenario will have you missing out on customers. A website helps you to reach a wider audience and increases the potential of your business to sell to a larger public.  

Your customers expect you to have a website. Every sale starts with an online search. People search online even visiting an online store to read their reviews and testimonials to gain more confidence before they make any sale.

Great Website Drives More Sale

DigiTech Library helps you make any site stand out from other competitors with personalized and fully custom websites for each and every client. Our design team has advanced experience in building exceptional sites through WordPress, Shopify, Magento, Drupaul, and much more. Our Web Development team create unique websites for multiple industries including eCommerce and lead generation with dynamic sites layered with well designed product and service listing pages.

Our team is dedicated and qualified to make your website stand out and win in the web competition. A great website has higher conversion rates.

  • Custom website design
  • Landing page development
  • eCommerce website design
  • Website copywriting
  • Website redesign and conversion rate optimization
  • Website SEO

DigiTech Library team makes your online journey smooth and helps you monetize your business online in the most efficient ways.


Website is your online presence. It is deemed as the face of your business or organization.

Will the website be responsive

As we know today’s consumers access the web from any possible source they have. Whether it is mobile, laptop or even a tab, The website design will be responsive for all devices. Mobile technology is now slowly taking over and most Google searches are from mobile. We make sure the website is designed well and is responsive in its best form for all devices.  

What are landing pages

In addition to the primary website, unique landing pages can also be designed. The purpose of the landing page is to drive more sales and increase conversion rates. They intend to have a CTA (Call to Action) and value-oriented content. The landing pages are used for running campaigns and paid ads. As a result, they bring in more sales and increase your conversion rates.  

How much input can you have in the design

DigiTech Library welcomes input. We mutually decide on the final product that our clients expect. We share our expertise as much as possible and take input on our clients’ expectations of the website. The final product is aligned with the expectations of our client.

Who will take care of hosting and future maintenance

Web development doesn’t end with a new website being launched. Improvements and opportunities will always present themselves over time. As time goes on, technological updates will be necessary to maintain the quality and functionality of every site. Our team will always be available to maintain and update your website. Guidance for hosting registrations and maintenance is all done by DigiTech Library.