DigiTech Library

Email Marketing

86% of consumers want to get promotional emails from businesses they do business with at least once a month, according to Hubspot, with 15% preferring daily emails. The easiest approach to publicize a sale, communicate corporate news, or remarket to past clients is via email.

Emails can be used to increase customer engagement (via newsletters), increase revenue, bring in new clients, build brand awareness, and reward loyal clients.

Emails are most underrate and reliable marketing tool

The most successful email marketing campaigns can be segmented to appeal to several personas for various goals. For instance, one campaign might be created to welcome brand-new clients, while another can be used to promote a holiday sale.

To assist you in reaching and establishing a relationship with your target audience, DigiTech Library offers efficient email campaign strategies. Our team uses innovative email automation strategies for lead nurturing, lead creation, and ultimately sales while also developing customized email designs and content that is targeted at your end user.

Major benefits of email marketing

  • Massively increases your reach and communication.
  • Enhance customer loyalty
  • It is flexible, measurable and scalable.
  • Generates revenue.
  • Keeps data ownership with you.


DigiTech Library can assist in establishing brand standards, which are an organization’s unambiguous promise to its clients and potential clients, through digital branding.

What is Email Marketing?

A form of direct marketing called email marketing employs customized emails to inform your email list about your goods or services. Additionally, it can be used to persuade your email list to carry out a certain activity, such as making a purchase, scheduling a demo, signing up for a trial, or signing up for an event. Email marketing regularly outperforms all other marketing channels as the most direct and efficient way to engage with prospects, nurture them, and convert them into customers.

Why one should use Email Marketing?

Email marketing is essential for your branding since it enables you to establish a direct channel of connection with certain customers. You can humanise a marketing channel that has long been perceived as impersonal or “spammy” by segmenting your target audiences and creating communications tailored to them. The same is true for email automation, which enables businesses to send targeted, automated emails to both current and former customers. These initiatives can boost customer lifetime value, customer activation, and return on investment (ROI).