DigiTech Library

Zenlayer lead generation campaign strategy

DigiTech Library and Zenlayer team worked together in their lead generation campaign targeting prospects for the CDN and Bare Metal services.

The Strategy

Zenlayer is a leading service provider of Cloud solutions and services across the globe. The goal was to provide better Bare Metal Cloud and CDN services, target specific industries like gaming and finance, etc., and significantly reduce latency. Together with team DigiTech Library, we developed a plan and carried it out, resulting in a fruitful campaign.

We recommended a multi-channel approach by creating a result oriented Landing Page and reaching the correct audience via Google Ads and Email Campaigns.

Create a high-converting landing page :

  • Get quality content ready and senior content writer edits the final draft.
  • Designer is briefed about the desired final product.
  • Make the HTML file if it is a HTML website or make the design on the CMS platform.

Set up the Google Ads campaign:

  • Writing high-quality ad copies for each Ad-set.
  • Make at least 4 Ad-sets for each campaign.
  • Content is written after doing proper research of Keywords, search volume and other ranking factors.
  • Ads are made live after making a presentation that includes our target audience. ad-sets, ad-copies and budget.

Getting the Email campaign ready:

  • Write emailer content in reference to the landing page with proper CTA.
  • Emailer will be designed and then HTMLized so that it can be send by sales peoples from their outlook account and we run the mass-emailing campaigns.
  • Email campaigns were done twice a week and that resulted in some high-converting customers.

The Result


impression generated


Email signups


Qualified leads in amonth


Email response rate

Landing pages

Sample of few email campaigns